Dear Filming diary,
Emily and I decided to meet today to film for both of our music videos, seen as we are in each others. I chose to film my bath scene today. I asked Emily to bring a white shirt to wear during the bath scene. I created dramatic make-up with smokey eyes so that when underwater the colour would run and would look like she was crying. I made sure that the water temperature was warm enough to allow emily to stay in the bath without becoming cold.
I filmed from many angles and to add effect on one of my scenes i placed photographs of my childhood on the wall to then take of one at a time in different videos. Once the videos were placed next to each other and placed it made them look t=like they were just disappearing from the wall by magic. This effect looked really cool and i cannot wait to see this once i have edited it.
I added leaves into the water to keep the story of the abandoned home going allowing continuity within the music video. As Emily is wearing a shirt that just covers her bum it could link to Laura Mulvey's theory of the Male Gaze. This would make Emily seen as a sexual object to men but when watching existing examples of media texts and music videos by the most famous music artists the bath scene has become an ideology of female artists to perform in. I do not want emily to be seen as a sexual object however so have tried to go again Mulvey's theory by editing the colour of the shot so that you cannot see her underwear through the shirt once it becomes wet.
Great day filming again.
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