Friday, 28 February 2014

My first draft

Here is my first draft of my music video. There are many improvements to be made but as a first draft i am pleased with the outcome, however the blank spaces where the music is playing are where i have not got footage for that part. This was due to poor weather conditions as the spaces left are for filming to be shot outside. Another issue was arranging to meet up as we are both very busy and our schedules did not always match.

I chose to make most of the music video black and white as it linked with my artist and made the whole video come together and flow better.

When showing my peers i had a alot of feedback both posotive comments and improvements that could be made. These are shown below form a range of people.

Racheal Bower said: "I love the shot where emily is shown in the bath and then she gradually slides down to the shot showing just her hair coming over the side of the bath". "I also liked how it was in slow motion".

"I like how you have linked the footage to the lyrics of the song, for example when it says piano she is sat playing at a piano".

"I also like the overlapping that you have done with some of the footage as it creates a really cool effect".

"I think you shouls remove the face saying 'over the love of you' that overlaps the bath scene as the pictures disaperaing in that shot are a great effect on their own".

Vicky Harmen said: "I really like the part where  Emily is running down the corridor. I like how it is in slow motiona s it creates a really good effect."

Vicky also said "I love the bath scene, its so good".

"The black and white effect goes really well with the overall theme and artist".

"Just fill in the blanks and it will be a really good interview".

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Filming diary- Shoot 4 (20/2/14)

Dear filming diary,

Today during Emily's filming day, i decided to take some quick shots of the clouds, water and sun and the bushes in the field moving in the wind. I saw an opportunity and decided to take them so that i could save time on my other shoots. Also with the weather being so unpredictable i thought it were best to do it whilst i could.

The shots came out well, and hopefully when i edit them they will look good.


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

CD front cover- ancillary texts

Here I have placed my final CD front covers. I kept with the black and white theme however I added a slight colour to two. I used images that I have taken and that are seen in the music video, so that it creates continuity. After asking my peers and looking at them myself I decided to choose the middle cover as my Final front cover. I felt that the gradient I had used created artificial light and the text was bold but still classy. The image's that I had picked looked effective and were clear. The other two images will be used as photos in my Digi-pak. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Final poster for ancillary texts

From the feedback of my peers, of my last poster i have changed a lot and made a brand new poster. I decided to stick with black and white to show continuity between my music video and all of my ancillary texts, and then i added the red for effect and to show verisimilitude to one of florence and the machines original posters- allowing my audience to recognise my genre-.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Draft 3 of Poster for ancillary Texts.

This Poster was created for a different purpose to the other. This was created to sell the album instead of concert tickets. Therefor I placed a picture of the album front cover on the poster so that the audience would know what its purpose was. I also placed a conventional date and logo, for the pre order again for the audience to understand the purpose of the poster. I added a quote from Q, as it is a well known magazine and would make un-expected audiences think about my artist. 

Draft 2 of ancillary text- poster.

I created a second draft of my poster. I feel here that it looks a lot better and creative compared to my first. some of my peers said the the small print and logos are conventional to real media texts making the poster look realistic. They like the double image and the effect of it being cartoon. Some said the the black and white effect looked better for the genre, so I feel this will change of my next drafts. They also said that the red text on the black did not stand out enough. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Ancillary Texts

These are first drafts of what my Ancillary texts would look like. The drawing effect looks cool, however the poster looks rushed and tacky. With my next drafts I will work to make it look a lot better, using my own artist name and adding key text as a convention of a music poster. I felt the CD looks effective however it needs to have my own text written on it and the logos and small print as a convention of a real CD. The Front cover and back cover I feel look really cool, and I hope to use these in my further drafts. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Possible Digi-pak Fonts.

I selected different fonts that would possibly look good for the name of my album. I placed my album name in each font on a page of A4 paper, this allowed me to see clearly which I like best and when making my Digipak I could use all to see which looked best. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

more pictures for ancillary texts

When looking at my edited images for my Ancillary texts, I felt that there were not enough, and in the style of Florence and the machine. Therefor using Photoshop, I created some more in the style of her and used the cartoon effect on some. 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Edited images

I created multiple images, that i edited on photoshop. I blurred and overlaid different pictures of emily's face over the top of each other to create an amazing effect. I then tempered with the colour balance and hue saturation to create different tones and colours creating different moods of each image.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Possible DigiPak Photos

Whilst shooting my music video on various days, i managed to take possible photos for my ancillary texts. These photos were taken from two of my shooting days and i prepared her hair and make-up for this shoot also.

Primary ancillary texts of florence and the machine (posters)

Here I collected Primary Images of Florence and the Machine's posters. I have posted four on this blog post and for each I am going to explain what I like and how I am going to use them in the making of My Ancillary texts. The top left I like for the real imagery with the artificial light coming. I like how it lights up the poster and gives it an effect which would make you stop to look at it. I also like the Font used on the text as it looks like hand writing, as if Florence would of wrote it herself. The other three I like for the cartoon effect used on the imagery. The top right I like the simplicity of the picture and the text. I also like how on some of the letters they have used the red to fill the gaps. The bottom left I like for the font especially and I like the roses used in the same carton effect below. I also like how she is not the biggest picture on the page yet it still draws your eye to her and the text of her name. The bottom right I like for the cartoon effect. And the background. Very Artistic and suits the genre of indie/pop.

From looking at these Ancillary Texts it has allowed me to understand what I want to try and Achieve within mine and the photo effect and Fonts are 2 things that I will be trying to use in the making of my Ancillary Texts.